Here are some helpful videos about Ranked Choice Voting. Feel free to share with your friends!


Is Ranked Choice Voting a Better Way to Pick a President? | NBCLX

Video posted on YouTube by NBCLX

Maybe you’ve never heard of ranked-choice voting, but it’s gaining momentum across America. Ranked-choice voting works when there are multiple candidates running for office, like in presidential primaries or hotly-contested congressional races.

What is Ranked Choice Voting?

Video posted on YouTube by 


In most parts of the United States, voters select a single candidate for each position on their ballot, and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is known as single-choice, winner-take-all, which can sometimes result in the election of a candidate who earned only a small percentage of the vote. But that’s not the only way of electing our leaders.

TEDxMileHigh VISION with Catherine Gehl


Video posted on YouTube


Katherine Gehl, Political Reform Advocate, speaks about how the competition in politics doesn't deliver reliable results and takes a deep look into how our election process works and what we can do to change it.